
BUSAR, is conducting necessary activities to keep all human, animals, nature alive during disaster in national & international regions. With its highly trained team, BUSAR aims to provide help to all within shortest period of time. As BUSAR team members values trainings of all kind in SAR subject, it also organizes many activities to keep all in up to date with strategies, technologies and tactics. All members are volunteers coming from may different cities and careers making BUSAR a one of a kind team with its variety of units. All members are bilingual and must carry at least 2 of the following certificates / licences:

  • Ham Radio Operating Licence
  • Drivers Licence
  • Rescue Diving Licence
  • Boat & Yacht Captain Licence
  • Mountaineering Licence


In order to provide disaster comprehension for all members

  • Organize training acitivities
  • To minimize disaster effects in SAR regions
  • Organize live or web based seminars for actions to be taken pre, post and during disasters
  • Conduct SAR efforts during disaster period that takes place in Turkey
  • Join SAR & relief efforts during terror attacks

are core points of BUSAR mission.

Besides all above, becoming an active member of UN’s INSARAG (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group) is one of BUSAR’s main goals. As four Turkish SAR Teams have accomplished becoming its member, INSARAG organizes tasks for SAR teams who concluded the following:

  • To complete correct standardized certificate programs
  • To survive at least 7 days at a disaster site
  • To have all necessary SAR tools & equipments
  • To increase its members yearly with sufficient training programs.